Samantha Lazar, Writer
Samantha Lazar, Writer Podcast
Magical Heartworks Tarot Poetry Prompts

Magical Heartworks Tarot Poetry Prompts

Prompt 0: The Fool

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Selfie with Magical Heartworks Tarot Deck

she walks into an energy initiation
alone at the incarnation ceremony
the solar plexus rising
the unfurling of butterfly wings
she knows nothing, even 
of what she doesn’t know

the soul clears the rearview mirror
resets the day
like a dissolved dream
she starts
what freedom to delight
as the dawn lights her way!

Fool’s Questions:

  1. What is possible when you embody tabula rasa? (clean slate)

  2. Are you ready to take the leap of faith?

  3. What do you expect from no expectations?

  4. What does it mean to be in the liminal space before you know?

  5. Can you begin the beginning?

Fool: Art and photo by author.

Did you know I created a Tarot deck? In the summer of 2023, I took out my watercolors and ink and worked deeply on this project through the winter of 2024.

Magical Heartworks Tarot A dream is unfolding

I’ve studied the archetypes and meanings of this ancient game since I was a teen, and I learn something new every time I engage with the cards. Sure, I read the stories in different spreads for myself and others (available for readings; links are found in the notesthis post). Note: I am not a “fortune teller.” I am a conversationalist and a storyteller.

Stories emerge about human life through images and archetypes. Each image can prompt questions about our own and collective experiences, and every card can ask us to look at our situations from different perspectives.

However, my favorite way to use Tarot cards is to prompt my writing. I use them as chance encounters with stories, memories, word associations, and art. I journal this way many times a week, which evokes poetry and story. The cards help my muse manifest energy toward creative pursuits, which brings me to my new project!

I’m Writing a New Book

Now that I can offer a completed deck of cards, I am compelled to have a book of companion writing. In Sky Collection, poetry and writing prompts are now connected to my Magical Heartworks Tarot. I hope you will enjoy this process and even find inspiration to participate. I will use these poems and questions as places to begin my book.

We will start with the Fool this week, as with all beginnings.

Samantha Lazar, Writer
Samantha Lazar, Writer Podcast
I write poetry, stories, host writing prompts, & share about ongoing projects.
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